Find below information regarding the claims procedure, please select the plus sign (+) on the right of the title to view.
AFI must be informed immediately upon the death of any life insured under a Safrican Funeral Benefit Plan. A Death Claim Notification Form, together with all the necessary supporting documents substantiating the claim, must be submitted to Safrican within six (6) months from the date of death. Failure to do so will result in the benefit being forfeited.
Documents must be clearly certified by the police of a Commissioner of Oaths.
Affidavits are not acceptable.
Application Forms
All Principal Members must submit Application Forms to Safrican for record purposes at inception of any policy or when joining a scheme. Extended Family Benefit Application Forms must be submitted where applicable. In the event that Application Forms were not submitted to Safrican, the benefit may be forfeited.
Insurable Interest
Please note that all persons insured under the policy must be related to the principal member and/or policy payer, and the principal member and/or policy payer must have an insurable interest in all insured persons under the policy.
Safrican reserves the right to request further documentation or information as it may deem necessary to accurately assess the claim.
Your Claim Steps
Affordable Funeral Investments (Pty) Ltd is a Licensed Financial Services Provider (FSP no. 45608) and is underwritten by Safrican Insurance Company Limited (SAFRICAN) FSP no. 15123. Where there is a discrepancy between any wording in this website and the wording in the Policy document, the wording in Policy document will take precedence and be applied.
AFI was established to ease the financial burden of individuals and families.